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Additional Resources


We receive many requests from our visitors to add resources for aging adults to our Website. The following are links to official government, and non-government Websites that we hope will help you in your quest for knowledge. Most of these have been contributed by visitors of EA with the recommendation that we share them with other visitors. These Websites are not associated or affiliated with Enjoying Aging; but links we thought would be beneficial to our readers.


Official Government Resources


General Information or Most Searched



Navigating Benefits.gov User Series: Senior Citizens

HHS - U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - Programs for Seniors

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Program Areas

U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services (HHS)

Administration on Aging (AoA)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Council on Aging

National Council on Aging - BenefitsCheckUp®


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


Americans with Disabilities Act National Network

National Network of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Centers

ADA National Network - Americans with Disabilities Act





Caregivers and Community Support

Administration for Community Living

Home and Community Care of the Elderly: Framing the Issues

Senior Community Service Employment Program

Support to Caregivers


Child and Adult Care

What is Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)?

Child and Adult Care Food Program


Consumer Financial Protection

Working with older adults

My Credit Union.gov

National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)



Low-Cost Dental Care (NIH)


Federal Grants

Find • Apply • Succeed


Food Nutrition Program

Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program


Health Care

Find A Health Center

Free and Reduced Cost Health Care



HHS - Health Care Home - Affordable Health Insurance Plans

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)





Social Security

Social Security Administration

Social Security - Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Social Security - Supplemental Security Income Home Page

Understanding Supplemental Security Income SSI Home Page

Social Security - Supplemental Security Income (SSI) .pdf


Veterans Administration

VA benefits and health care

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Non-Governmental Organizations and Resources


Accounting and Taxes

Tax Tips for Seniors


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities


Caregivers and Community Support

A Guide to Alzheimer’s Caregiving

Caregiving For a Spouse with Dementia

Planning a Move to Care for a Senior Loved One

Caring for Elderly Parents: Managing Role-Reversal

How to Help a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Plan Final Arrangements: A Guide for Caregivers

Long-Distance Caregiving: How To Ensure Your Loved Ones Are Safe At Home

Signs It’s Time for Assisted Living: Identify Potential Warning Signs that It’s Time for a Move

The Everything-You-Need-To-Know Guide For Family Caregivers



ADA American Dental Association - National, state and local ADA


Health & Wellness

Cleveland Clinic

Mayo Clinic



A Guide to Who Needs Life Insurance

What’s the Difference Between Burial Insurance, Life Insurance, and Funeral Insurance?

How Much Life Insurance Do I Really Need?

Life Insurance for Seniors Over 65 Years Old

Will My Insurance Cover a Retirement Home or Assisted Living?


Medicare / Medicaid

A Beginner’s Guide to Medicaid

When Will Medicaid Pay for a Nursing Home or Assisted Living?

Does Medicaid and Medicare Offer Dental Insurance?


Mental Health

5 Non-Medical, Natural Alzheimer’s Treatments That Work

8 practical tips to help someone with Dementia to eat more

Communicating With Alzheimer’s is the Same and it’s Different

Kind Ways to Respond When a Person With Dementia Forgets Someone Has Died

Understanding How Alzheimer’s Disease Changes People— Challenges and Coping Strategies (Part 1 of 3)

Understanding How Alzheimer’s Disease Changes People— Challenges and Coping Strategies (Part 2 of 3)

Understanding How Alzheimer’s Disease Changes People— Challenges and Coping Strategies (Part 3 of 3)



Checklist: Pre-Planning Your Funeral or Memorial Service

Fraud Prevention Checklist

How to Prep for Every Type of Natural Disaster

Bicycle Safety

Medical Cost Advocate

PACER Center

Senior-Friendly Remodeling

Should You Get a Service Dog?

Substance Abuse And Addiction In The Elderly

The Rising Cost of Health Care by Year and Its Causes

Transportation Options for Seniors Who Don’t Drive


Retirement Planning

How to Pay for Aging in Place Home Remodeling

How to Purchase a Home in Retirement

Jobs for Seniors: What Are the Best Jobs After Retirement?

The Senior’s Guide to Paying for At-Home Long-Term Care: How Your Home Can be a Great Asset

Your Guide To Staying Safely At Home


Social Security

7 Social Security Facts that May Boost Your Benefits

How to Apply for Social Security

How to Calculate Your Projected Social Security Benefit

How to Have a Comfortable Retirement on Social Security Alone

When to Take Social Security: The Complete Guide

Will I Still Be Eligible for Medicaid if I Start Getting Social Security Disability?


Travel Resources & Tips

A Worry-Free Vacation: Preparing Your Home for Your Time Away

OnCall International's Travel Blog

How to Find Cheap Flights Like a Pro

Thrifty 50 Travel Tips


Veterans Administration

Home Modification Programs from the VA

Enjoying Senior Living

Find a Senior Living Facility

Near You. Click On Your State

To View Listings in Your Area.

Online Advertising Definition

Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment

Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More

Advertise on Any Device

Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience

Studies show that the majority of people will use their phone to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computer for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The up side to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More




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Enjoying Senior Life
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