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  • 0 7 Crucial Self-Care Practices for Overwhelmed Caregivers

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      7 Crucial Self-Care Practices for Overwhelmed Caregivers Providing care for another person is one of the most important responsibilities you can have. Caring for others can give you a sense of pride and accomplishment but sadly, as Today's Caregiver notes, the weight of the duties can deteriorate a caregiver's health. The stress and burden of caring for a sick or aging loved one can be emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting. This can lead to a caregiver feeling alone and unappreciated and the longer it goes unchecked the worse it can get. If you've recently become a caregiver, use these suggestions from Enjoying Aging for ways to refresh yourself and fulfill your obligations with joy.   Maintaining a Regular Exercise Routine You can't give your best to your loved one when your health falters. Keep your energy levels high and your spirit rejuvenated by staying physically active. You may not be able to make room for a workout every day, but doing little things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can help you stay in good shape. Lunch breaks are an excellent time to take a walk or a quick jog to get your blood flowing. Meditation is one of the best forms of stress relief and it can be performed almost anywhere. Put together a small bag with a squeeze ball, an elastic rope, small hand weights, etc., and keep it with you so you can exercise whenever you get a moment of free time.   Adapting the Home for Ease of Care Keep the caregiving environment bright, open, and serene to preserve your emotional well-being. PureWow points out that a few mirrors can make rooms feel more spacious and reflect more light. Clearing untidy or cluttered areas makes finding things easier and lowers your stress level. Add a few houseplants to the home. Plants have a calming effect and help keep you in a nurturing mindset.     Prioritizing Quality Sleep Practicing sound self-care starts with getting adequate sleep. Quality sleep ensures that your overall well-being is at an optimal level, which includes physical as well as mental health. If you have yet to do so, start a bedtime routine that includes relaxing activities like taking a warm bath, reading a book, and turning off the electronics. Also, set up your bedroom for optimal sleep with comfortable linens and other appealing options like artist-inspired all-cotton duvet covers. Look into soothing colors and calm patterns to set the stage for a good night's rest. Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More   Joining a Support Group Commiserating with others who understand and recognize your struggles is an excellent way to get a load off your heart and mind. Online support groups offer the opportunity to share your feelings when exasperated. Imparting lessons you've learned with others helps you reflect on the good you've accomplished and gain a sense of pride in your valuable work as a caregiver. Look into therapy the moment you feel you're reaching a breaking point and other practical self-care tips aren't working. They say charity begins at home; and what better place to look for comfort and support than your family and friends? Often, all that is needed in the short term is an attentive listener or someone who has been through what you are experiencing. If you are not getting what you need at home most churches or local communities offer resources for help and you can usually find others there that are going through similar situations. In more extreme cases you may need to seek professional help but that is nothing to be ashamed of so don't convince yourself it will be alright when it really won't. They are called professionals for a reason and you should take advantage of the help they provide.   Simplifying Your Life You have the same 168 hours a week as everyone else, so avoid trying to cram activities into every minute. Acknowledge that you won't have the time and circumstances to do what others in your peer group can. If you're like a lot of people you hate to say no to someone who cared enough to extend an invitation for dinner or a party. Learn to respectfully turn down invitations and requests that will only overwhelm you in the end. Where possible, automate tasks like bill payments and hire someone to clean the house or do the lawn. Self-Discipline and focus are the keys to success and if you are going to make major changes in your life so you can achieve your goals of simplification start by learning those two things first.   Taking Breathers Find 10 to 15 minutes every couple of hours or so to take a break from your duties and refresh. A quick walk around the block or breathing exercises can recenter you and calm any feelings of anxiety. Don't leave breaks to chance. Schedule a bit of downtime and let it be known, respectfully, that you're briefly unavailable.   Finding Professional Help The moment may come when your loved one needs more help than you can offer, such as round-the-clock care. Humbly realize the benefits of an assisted living community. An on-call nursing staff means you never have to worry about your relative being without assistance during an emergency. You can prosper mentally, emotionally, and physically while assisting a loved one. Carve out time to employ these ideas to preserve balance in your life.   A special thank you to Sharon Wagner at seniorfriendly.info for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.  

  • 0 Reap the Mental Health Benefits of Pet Ownership as a Senior

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      Image by Pexels Images Reap the Mental Health Benefits of Pet Ownership as a Senior Growing old can be a difficult process, physically and mentally. For many, the golden years tend to become less golden as they age, and feelings of loneliness and isolation can be tough to battle. However, studies show that pets can significantly improve the mental, emotional, and physical health of seniors. In this article, Enjoying Aging explores how pets can do much more than just be our furry companions.   Living a Purposeful Life One of the biggest challenges that seniors face is finding purpose and motivation in their daily activities. Particularly when they are retired, seniors can often feel unsure of how to fill their hours. Many feel uneasy or unfulfilled when they have nothing to do or can't contribute to society anymore. Having a pet can give seniors a sense of purpose, responsibility, and something to care for rather than sitting around feeling useless. By having a pet to care for, seniors can feel they are needed and that their life continues to hold value.   Relief From Feelings of Loneliness and Isolation Another challenge that seniors often struggle to overcome is loneliness and isolation. When living alone, seniors can often feel that their world is small and insignificant, especially when their family and friends are busy or live far away. Pets provide them with constant companionship and can help to alleviate this feeling of loneliness. A pet's presence helps to create a more engaging home environment and provides seniors with someone to talk to and spend time with.   Encouraging Being Active It's essential to keep the body and mind active when aging and some seniors lose interest in exercising or find it difficult to maintain a healthy routine. Pets, especially dogs, can help in this regard because they always need to exercise, and going for walks together can benefit both the owner and the pet. Walking a dog can promote physical activity, which is essential in preventing many age-related health issues, such as obesity and diabetes. A brisk morning and evening walk with your four-legged friend will not only provide both of you with much-needed exercise but also offer an opportunity to meet neighbors on a similar quest.   Enhancing Social Interaction Pets can encourage social interaction with others, which is essential for any age group. They provide an excellent conversation starter and common ground for seniors, creating opportunities for socializing and meeting new people. Moreover, spending time with pets can also improve the mood of seniors, making them more positive   Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More and happier socially. Another benefit of meeting other like-minded people is finding someone trustworthy to leave your companion with while you go off to take care of much-needed business. Having to worry about your pet while you're gone adds unnecessary stress and having someone you can trust to come and let your dog out at different times of the day can put your mind at ease. It can also give seniors a sense of purpose and responsibility if they are the ones asked for help by someone else in need.   Providing Stress Relief It may seem odd to some that a retired person would experience stress; they no longer have the worries or pressures of work, right? Believe it or not, stress is just as prevalent in seniors as it is in any other age group. Pets, especially dogs, have been shown to have a healing effect on hospital patients and help speed up the recovery process. A major benefit of owning a pet is the stress-relieving effects a pet provides. Just by petting a dog or cat, seniors can instantly feel calmer and more relaxed.     Pets Require Special Care and the Right Food We've talked a lot about the amazing benefits seniors receive from pet ownership but what about what they should do for them in return? Pets are an important part of our lives and they deserve special care. One way to show that we care is by purchasing the right food for them. Imagine your furry friend enjoying lip-smacking kibble dog food, it's a simple way to make them happy and healthy. Another thing we advise to have on hand at all times is treats. Find the right kind of treat for your companion and watch how they brighten up the darkest days. They are also an excellent training tool when trying to get them to mind you when you are out with other owners.   Better Immune System Studies have found that owning pets promotes a better immune system. Seniors are especially susceptible to illness, and pets can provide a way to fight off sickness. Researchers have discovered that children who grew up with dogs and cats had a more robust immune system against allergies, and the same goes for seniors. Pets can expose seniors to different bacteria that can help to bolster their immune systems. However, this only applies if you are not already suffering from a weakened immune system. The human body has a remarkable way of fighting off viral and bacterial infections but like everything else, if the immune system becomes compromised it may not be able to cope. It is always best to keep your pet and your environment clean. Wash your hands after each time you play with your furry friend and never let your pet lick you on the mouth.   Providing a Sense of Security Finally, owning a pet can provide a sense of security for seniors who live alone. Pets can act as home security systems or even as a companions during the night-time hours. Pets can have a significant impact on the mental, emotional, and physical health of seniors. They can provide a sense of purpose and responsibility, relieve stress, offer companionship, bolster the immune system, and help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. Seniors can greatly benefit from owning a pet, and it's essential to consider the rewards of having these furry companions in their lives.   Visit Enjoying Aging for a wide variety of articles and resources that matter to seniors!   A special thank you to Lydia Chan at alzheimerscaregiver.net for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.  

  • 0 Mind Your Mental Health

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        Mind Your Mental Health According to Psychology Today, anxiety and depression can manifest more prominently as we age, and if you're feeling unusually down or blue or worrying more than usual, ask for a consultation with a mental health care professional. There's no longer a stigma around seeking mental health treatment, and it is, in fact, a healthy way to ensure you're living your best life. You may be treated with medication, talk therapy, or even directed to take a more holistic approach by practicing meditation or other relaxation techniques. You may even just need some extra short-term TLC to get you through a rough patch. Being able to talk about your emotional and mental state will help you better identify the heart of the issue and be more proactive in addressing it. The older we get there is a greater chance of developing more serious conditions like Alzheimer's, Dementia, Parkinson's, etc., and the only way to know for sure is through tests. While anxiety and depression can have similar symptoms, only a mental health physician can tell if you are in the beginning stages of one of these diseases. They can also help you with getting your anxiety or depression under control and help you find the best remedies for either of these conditions. Knowing the symptoms is part of the cure and while this article is in no way considered an attempt to diagnose or offer a cure for any medical condition, seeing any of these signs is an indication that you should seek professional help. Signs of Anxiety Excessive and intrusive worrying that disrupts daily functioning, agitation, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, tense muscles, and trouble sleeping. Signs of Depression Little interest or pleasure in doing things, feeling down, depressed, or hopeless, trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much, feeling tired or having little energy, poor appetite or overeating, feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down, trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television. There is hope for those suffering from one of these debilitating diseases and a possible cure could be as simple as taking a pill once a day. Regardless of your diagnosis and treatment, the only way to know for certain is to visit a mental health care professional and see what test they recommend. It will be beneficial to you to take control of your mental health, but the true beneficiaries will be those around you. They show you how much they care by staying with you through these times; show them how much you care about them by seeking treatment. A special thank you to Mary Shannon at seniorsmeet.org for contributing to this article. Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computer for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More  

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