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  • 0 Protecting the Elderly: 8 Measures to Guard Against Financial Abuse

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      Images by Freepik Protecting the Elderly: 8 Measures to Guard Against Financial Abuse As we age, safeguarding our financial well-being becomes as critical as maintaining our physical health. The risk of financial exploitation increases, making it essential to adopt preventive measures. Implementing strategic practices can help us protect our assets and ensure our financial stability for years to come. Staying proactive and informed about our financial situation is vital to controlling our resources as we age. Enjoying Aging/Financial-resources shares more:   1. Rely on Professional Financial Guidance Consider engaging with a financial advisor who understands your needs and can offer personalized advice. A professional can help you manage your investments and assets, ensuring they align with your plans. Finding the right partnership can act as a safeguard, helping you make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. Regular consultations with your financial advisor can provide peace of mind and a secure financial foundation. It is never too late to talk with a financial advisor. Many people think financial advice is for young people just starting out in life. In reality, it is later in life when we have built up assets like, home equity, retirement funds, paid-off vehicles, and accumulated savings, that we need help managing those assets. There is nothing worse than working and saving for all those years and then losing it all when you need it the most.   2. Secure Your Income Through Direct Deposit Set up direct deposits for regular payments, such as Social Security benefits or pension funds, to minimize the risk of theft or loss. This method ensures that your money reaches you safely and guarantees you receive your funds on time, every time. By eliminating the need to deposit checks physically, you gain convenience and reduce the risk of fraud. Direct deposit is a straightforward step that provides significant security benefits. With direct deposits you know when your funds will arrive allowing you to plan a budget. A good idea is to place as many of your bills as possible on automatic debit. Work with your Mortgage Company, creditors, utilities, banks, etc. to schedule each payment a few days after your funds have been deposited. This way all you have to do is review your bills and bank statements for accuracy. With your deposits and payments set on auto-pilot, you cancel the need for costly checks and eliminate any temptations of theft from caregivers.     Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More 3. Monitor Your Financial Transactions One simple yet effective strategy is to review your bank statements regularly. Early detection of unauthorized transactions can be the key to preventing significant financial losses. Make it a habit to scrutinize your monthly statements; this vigilance ensures you can act quickly if something isn't right. Regular monitoring also helps maintain a clear picture of your financial situation and spot trends that may require attention.   4. Enhance Your Digital Security Enhance your digital security with strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts. Regularly updating your passwords and using two-factor authentication where possible can significantly decrease the risk of unauthorized access and protect your personal information from cyber threats. Avoid using easily guessable passwords and consider a password manager to track your login credentials. Never store your passwords in a file on your computer as a way of remembering them. Write your user IDs and passwords on a sheet of paper and store them in a secure location. This added layer of security helps safeguard your online presence from potential intruders looking to hack into your computer and steal your identity.   5. Steer Clear of Phone Scams Phone scams can be tricky, but you can avoid them by being mindful of how often they happen and viewing every call as a potential threat. If you receive a call from an unfamiliar number, try using a reverse phone number lookup service. This service lets you input a phone number to access detailed information about the caller, such as their name and location. This is particularly useful for identifying unknown callers, screening telemarketing calls, or verifying identities — which can enhance your security. A good rule is to never give your personal, bank, or credit card information to anyone over the phone, but especially never provide this information to someone who called you. If you initiated the call then you can be fairly certain you are speaking with a true representative of that company. You can never know if the person calling you is truly from the company they claim to be calling from. Always question incoming calls!   6. Guard Your Personal Information Be cautious about sharing your personal and financial information. Whether you are online or answering calls, always verify the identity of the person or organization requesting your details. Protecting this information prevents identity theft and unauthorized access to your accounts. Make it a practice to question any unusual or unexpected requests for sensitive data.   7. Arm Yourself with Knowledge of Scams Awareness is your best defense against scams. Take the time to educate yourself about the different tactics scammers use, especially those targeting seniors. Understanding these schemes will empower you to spot red flags and proactively protect your finances. Updating your knowledge on these issues can dramatically increase your ability to secure your assets and avoid becoming a victim. The following is a list of scams to watch out for according to a Google search: Grandparent scams Sweepstakes scams Tech support scams Romance scams Internet scams Funeral scams Medicare scams Charitable organization Investment scams Government impersonation scams Mortgage fraud Telemarketing Cryptocurrency fraud Phishing Health care scams IRS scam Reverse mortgage scams Counterfeit prescription drugs Online shopping Account takeover scams Caregiver scams Check fraud Common elderly scams Elder financial abuse   8. Stay Connected to Reduce Isolation Isolation can increase your vulnerability to financial abuse. Too often older adults living alone will talk with the wrong people just to have someone to connect with. Maintaining strong connections with family, friends, and community groups can provide a protective network and emotional support. These relationships can help you stay informed and vigilant about potential risks. Engage regularly with your social circle to ensure you have a support system that can act promptly if issues arise.   Summary Taking proactive steps to protect your financial interests is crucial as you navigate your senior years. By staying informed, connected, and vigilant, you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of financial exploitation. Remember, your financial security is integral to your independence and quality of life; safeguard it with the diligence it deserves. Empower yourself with the right tools and knowledge to control your financial future and ensure successful aging.   Find more helpful content at Enjoying Aging/Financial-resources!   A special thank you to Mary Shannon at SeniorsMeet.org for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.  

  • 0 Constructing a Financial Cushion for Your Retirement and Health Needs

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      Image by Freepik Constructing a Financial Cushion for Your Retirement and Health Needs Navigating the complexities of financial planning for retirement and healthcare can be overwhelming. With the growing concerns over the future viability of Social Security and Medicare, individuals must be proactive in securing their financial future. This article from Enjoying Aging delves more deeply into strategies you can use to craft a financial safety net tailored to your specific retirement and healthcare needs.   Invest in Long-Term Care Coverage One of the most crucial steps you can take is to invest in disability and long-term care insurance policies. These insurance options are like financial safety nets that come into play when you face unexpected health challenges or disabilities. Disability insurance can replace a portion of your income if you become unable to work, while long-term care insurance can cover the costs associated with extended healthcare needs. Acquiring these policies early can save you from future financial strain and give you peace of mind.   Go Back to School One of the biggest ways to broaden your career options and prepare for the future is by going back to school. There are plenty of degree options, as well. For instance, a degree in human resources could help you focus on effectively managing the workforce, whether you decide to start your own business or go and work in the HR department of an existing company.   Make Smart Investment Choices A well-developed investment portfolio is instrumental in ensuring a comfortable and financially secure retirement. Diversification is the key to balancing risk and return, so make sure to spread your investments across different asset classes like stocks, bonds, real estate, gold, and silver. But don't go it alone; instead, seek advice from investment professionals who can guide you in making wise choices tailored to your financial objectives.   Opt for Deferred Social Security Benefits One effective strategy to increase your Social Security benefits is to delay the time at which you start receiving them. Opting to wait until after your full retirement age can significantly raise your monthly payments. This approach can be an excellent long-term strategy for maximizing your financial safety net.   Establish an Emergency Fund An emergency fund acts as a financial buffer, safeguarding your retirement savings from sudden, unplanned expenses like home repairs or medical bills. Having this fund in place provides financial security, ensuring that you won't have to dip into your retirement savings or go into debt for immediate needs.     Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More   Cultivate Everyday Savings Habits There's an old saying that 'A penny saved is a penny earned.' Frugality doesn't mean sacrificing quality of life; it's about making smart choices. Look for areas where you can cut back without affecting your lifestyle dramatically. Whether it's switching to a cheaper grocery store or renegotiating your insurance rates, small savings can add up and significantly contribute to your retirement and healthcare funds. In times of uncertainty surrounding the stability of social welfare programs, being proactive about your retirement and healthcare planning is not just advisable – it's essential. Implementing these strategies can go a long way in securing your financial health, allowing you to live out your retirement years with fewer worries and more comfort.   A special thank you to Mary Shannon at SeniorsMeet.org for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.  

  • 0 How to Build a Business to Provide Senior Care Services

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      How to Build a Business to Provide Senior Care Services The demand for senior care continues to grow, and with it so does the need for senior caregivers. As we reach retirement age we are often tasked with the care of an aging parent, family member, or friend. For those of us with an entrepreneurial spirit, it is easy to see the potential for starting a new business providing these services. Providing senior caregiver services can be a rewarding venture that helps fill a critical need in society. Starting a business that provides senior caregiver support or services requires careful planning, hard work, and dedication. Here are some tips on how to get started, and succeed, presented by Enjoying Aging.   Conducting Market Research Before starting any business, it's essential to conduct thorough market research to identify the needs of your target audience. Seniors have unique needs that vary depending on their location, socioeconomic status, and cultural background. Conduct surveys, focus groups, and interviews with seniors to understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. Use this information to design services that meet their unique needs and distinguish your business from competitors.   Build a Supportive Team Your team is the backbone of your business, so it's crucial to build a team of qualified professionals who are passionate about supporting seniors. Hire individuals who have experience in senior care or caregiving and are empathetic, compassionate, and patient. Ensure that they are trained in the latest techniques and equipment and have access to the resources necessary to provide quality care to your clients.     Develop a Marketing Strategy Developing a robust marketing strategy is crucial to attract clients and grow your business. Target seniors and their loved ones through online and offline marketing channels. Consider using social media platforms like Facebook or X to reach out to potential clients. Attend local events, community meetings, and health fairs to promote your business. Offer free consultations to prospective clients to create a positive impression and establish trust.   The Power of Branding Creating a memorable logo is an essential aspect of building a successful brand. A logo can help differentiate your business from competitors and make a lasting impression on your clients. When designing a logo, it's crucial to choose Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More colors that elicit positive feelings and emotions. Colors such as blue for trust, green for growth, and yellow for happiness can convey a range of emotions and help communicate your brand's values and personality. Consider this option when designing your logo, as the right choice of colors can make a significant impact on how potential clients perceive your business. A memorable logo with the right colors can build brand recognition, establish credibility, and help create a lasting impression on your audience.   Collaborative Care Collaborating with other businesses and organizations that serve seniors and their caregivers can help expand your reach and provide more comprehensive care to your clients. Develop relationships with nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and home health agencies. Offer your services to these organizations and work together to provide the best possible care to seniors and their caregivers.   Offer a Range of Services Seniors have diverse needs, so it is essential to offer a variety of services that meet those needs. Provide services such as meal preparation, transportation, housekeeping, and medication management. Offer respite care to give family caregivers a break or provide 24-hour care for those who need it. Ensure that your services are customizable and flexible, allowing clients to choose services that meet their unique needs.   Flexibility Matters Allow clients to choose the frequency and duration of services. Customize services based on their needs and preferences. Be responsive to their requests and ensure that your services are tailored to their unique circumstances. Be mindful that your staff of senior caregivers also have busy lives, so offering flexible scheduling can make a big difference to your employees. Hire enough caregivers to meet the demands of your clients without overworking your team.   Proper Funding Building a business is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding endeavors a person can achieve in their life. As an entrepreneur, you embrace a special calling that requires more from you than that of the employee. As the owner and operator of a company that employs other people, you take on a greater responsibility. It is up to you to make sure that business succeeds, not just for you and your family's sake but also for all those who depend on you. During your research to determine the feasibility of the business you are planning, you probably came across some statistics that show that 90 percent of all startup businesses fail within the first year. While this is true, it is also true that those businesses didn't fail due to a lack of effort by the business owner. Despite your hard work and good intentions, if you start a business without enough capital to see you through the first year while you are building your customer base, you are greatly reducing your chances of success. This article touches on some of the important aspects of starting a business but it does not go into detail about all the costs associated with running the business. Many expenses can be calculated during the planning phase, but there are also a lot of hidden fees that you couldn't foresee. Make sure you have the capital funding put aside to cover your startup costs, your marketing and advertising costs, and your personal expenses for the first year. Then add 10-20 percent to that for all the hidden and unforeseen costs that come up during the year to ensure you have the funds available to guarantee your success.   In Conclusion Starting a business providing support services to families with seniors can be a profitable and fulfilling venture. By conducting market research, building a qualified team, developing a marketing strategy, creating a memorable logo, partnering with other businesses, offering a variety of services, providing flexible scheduling, and having proper funding, you can build a successful and impactful business that makes a difference in the lives of seniors and their caregivers.   A special thank you to Sharon Wagner at seniorfriendly.info for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.  

  • 0 Tips for Embracing the Empty Nest

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      Tips for Embracing the Empty Nest Are you an empty nester? Congratulations! You’ve just entered a new phase of life that can be both exciting and unnerving. It can be difficult to know what to do with your newfound freedom, but there are plenty of great ways to make the most of this time. To help you along the way, Enjoying Aging has put together some ideas for empty nesters looking to maximize this next stage of life.   Traveling With the kids out of the house, you now have more freedom and flexibility to go on vacation whenever and wherever you want. Consider traveling abroad or taking a road trip through parts of the country that you've never had the chance to explore before. From the Grand Canyon to Alaska and Hawaii, the US offers some of the world's best travel destinations. If you enjoy driving, America has hundreds of state and national parks, and camp grounds that accommodate everything from tents to lavish RV's. Driving across the country can be a great way to meet new friends, or find solitude off the beaten path in an RV adventure. One of the best things about driving through America is that you can go from state to state without worrying about needing a passport or language barriers. Cruising is a favorite for many travelers and offers a wide variety of options. From large cruise ships, to private yacht charters, to multi-country European river cruises, traveling on the water can be one of the most enjoyable vacations you'll ever experience. International travel can introduce you to new ways of life, breathtaking scenery, or witness thousands of years of history. Traveling is a great way to explore new places and experience different cultures, but it also gives you some much-needed rest and relaxation away from home.     Learning a New Hobby Now is your chance to try something new! Even if it's something small like learning how to knit or paint, developing a new hobby or skill can give you purpose, keep your mind active, and even lead to amazing opportunities down the line. A new hobby doesn't only refer to arts and crafts. A new hobby can be anything you want; it can be learning a new type breathing exercise, or have you heard of super brain yoga? While there's nothing wrong with building a train set in your garage, what about a new hobby that will help keep you healthy like the newest craze sweeping the nation, Pickleball. Finding a hobby that keeps you in better shape both mentally and physically can benefit you for years to come.   Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More Decluttering Your Home Without kids around all day, now may be an ideal time for decluttering your home and getting rid of things that you no longer need or use. This will help open up space in your home for whatever new activities you decide to take on in this new phase in life. For many empty nesters it's a prime time to declutter your home by downsizing to a smaller, more manageable, home. When planning your next move, whatever that may be, keep in mind that this is your time to shine, and while memories can be good, clutter is bad. Get rid of it and move on to a simpler, happier time with your new life.   Going Back to School If there ever were a time in your life when going back to school made sense, it would be now. With online classes becoming more popular, earning a degree online has become increasingly accessible and convenient for empty nesters. Earning a degree online can provide the opportunity to switch careers and make career advancements for more financial freedom. Plus, if you focus on programs that provide certifications and a diploma, you can double down on your skills and credentials. Whether you're reviewing IT certification programs, an accounting degree, or even a master's in education, there's something for everyone.   Socializing More Take advantage of having more free time by socializing more with family and friends. Have dinner parties with close friends and family members who live nearby, or plan weekend trips with those who don't live close enough for regular visits. Making solid connections with people who share similar interests will keep loneliness at bay during this stage in life.   Volunteering Consider spending some time volunteering at local organizations that speak to your passions and interests so that you can contribute meaningfully toward making positive change in society, as well as get involved in something bigger than yourself. Volunteering is a fulfilling outlet for empty nesters seeking meaningful engagement outside their home.   Starting a Business Empty nesters looking to start a business have many unique advantages compared to those entering the entrepreneurial world early in life. With time and financial freedom, you can devote more attention to building and growing your own business. You already have the life experience and an established network and have a good handle on balancing work and family responsibilities. You also have access to greater resources like savings or pension income, making starting a business easier. Living Your Dream in Your Golden Years: How to Become a Senior Entrepreneur offers insights into how to make this dream a reality. If this is something you've always wanted to do don't wait, and stop making excuses, jump in with both feet and have the time of your life. There are many ways empty nesters can make the most out of their lives during this phase. Whether it's traveling, learning a new hobby, going back to school, volunteering, or starting a business, any avenue is worth exploring! Ultimately, being an empty nester presents many opportunities — use them wisely so that you can enjoy every moment!     A special thank you to Sharon Wagner at seniorfriendly.info for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.

  • 0 Cheap, Cheerful Living: Budgeting Tips for Seniors on a Fixed Income

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      Image by Pexels Images Cheap, Cheerful Living: Budgeting Tips for Seniors on a Fixed Income For many seniors on a fixed income, the cost of living can outweigh our means and threaten our financial futures. When this happens, it can help to make a few adjustments, thus ensuring comfortable living and protecting our bottom line.   Planning When you're looking to create healthier finances and a more manageable lifestyle, it's a good idea to plan well in advance, aiming to free up cash and avoid pitfalls further down the line. Assess costs: Your first point of action is to review your outgoings and identify exactly where you could be losing money. This means collecting together bank statements from the last 12 months and scrutinizing these for unconscious spending habits and potential overspending. Prioritize: As we review our finances, it's important to find areas of compromise. To help, make sure you've written out your priorities clearly and earmarked lifestyle choices that can be dropped if necessary. Budget: Writing a new budget for yourself is an excellent way to set the tone for healthier finances. This should include recurring costs, averages for monthly living (fuel, utilities, food, housing, and more), as well as projected outgoings for the future. You can set speculative estimates and also targets for yourself that you know you'll need to hit if you want to avoid dropping the things you enjoy.     Saving Sometimes, all you need to restore your balance sheet is a few clever tweaks to your lifestyle. Here are some ideas to get you started. Identify alternatives: When you have a formulaic daily routine, it's common to overlook cheaper alternatives when it comes to utilities, food, leisure, and more. Fortunately, the internet gives us a clearer overview of our options and the option to renegotiate contracts or seek out cheaper providers. Refinancing: To save on mortgage repayments, it could be a good idea to refinance your property, thereby decreasing equity in your home and freeing up cash or reducing your monthly payments. Wholesale: The majority of products we buy in grocery stores, mall stores, and hypermarkets are sold at an inflated price. If you want to save extra cash, it's often worth cutting out the middleman and buying from wholesale suppliers. Bulk purchases may prove costly in the short term but can save you thousands across the course of a year - better still, these can often be ordered and delivered directly to your home.   Supplementing If you have things you'd like to sell, an idea for a business, or a passion you'd like to pursue, age should never be a barrier. In the digital age, it's easier than ever to supplement your income - here are a few pointers to help. Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More   Online marketplaces: Websites such as Craigslist, eBay, and others can allow you to quickly and easily sell furniture, electronics, and other possessions you no longer have a need for. Just be certain to read up on how to carry out the selling process safely. Part-time work: Many employers are looking for extra administrators, writers, accountants, and other help to contribute on a part-time basis. Check your options online and see if you can be of service. Entrepreneurship: It's easier than ever to start a business of your own, thanks to the vast array of online tools. This could not only supplement your income but also boost your mental & physical health, as well as connect you to new people. Consider venturing into consulting, tutoring, baking, or crafting as ideas.   With a few key adjustments, there should be no reason you can't enjoy your golden years free from financial worry. Whatever your concerns, be sure to plan ahead and take decisive action to prioritize the most important thing - your happiness. Enjoying Aging is a resource for people who place a high value on Aging Well. For those wanting to stay informed on the topics that matter to us, the 'Fun After 50' crowd, you will find interesting articles on a variety of subjects. Learn more at: www.enjoyingaging.com     A special thank you to Sharon Wagner at seniorfriendly.info for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.  

  • 0 Living Your Dream in Your Golden Years: How to Become a Senior Entrepreneur

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      Living Your Dream in Your Golden Years: How to Become a Senior Entrepreneur You can become an entrepreneur at any age. Yet, as Forbes notes, starting a company later in life gives you more advantages and room for success. As an older professional, you have the experience to leverage that other entrepreneurs may not have. When you become an entrepreneur in your golden years, you can invest in your retirement by pursuing your passions. Staying active in retirement doesn't always mean exercising or attending social events. If you have a hobby that you enjoy sharing, why not turn it into a business?   Check Into Continuing Education If you feel you need to brush up on your business skills, look into online educational resources. Earning an online degree in business allows you to learn about management, accounting, entrepreneurship, and much more. Getting a business degree also adds to your credibility, and completing classes and tests online allows you to continue working on your enterprise without attending in person. As you explore your choices of programs, here's a good option that will enable you to complete a course in just five weeks.   Learn Your Target Market Before you can create a successful business, you have to identify your target market. Who do you want to tailor your products and services towards? Once you know your primary market, you can figure out how to target those people specifically. This is the first step in creating a marketing plan, which will guide you through your marketing development. While you may want to be a business that can reach a wide variety of clients, knowing how to narrow down your marketing will help you succeed. Consider the characteristics of your potential client and how you can reach them about the business. Also, think about reasons why they might buy from you. For example, if you start an eco-friendly business, use that to your advantage. Many want to help the environment and would instead support companies that take eco-friendliness seriously. Market yourself as a green company.     Explore the Internet for Promotion When marketing your business, look for low-cost tools. For instance, if you are working on a marketing project with multiple teams, you probably have an overflow of documents to deal with. Do not bother having various documents in different formats. Instead, merge everything into a PDF so you can keep all your documents in one file. You can use a PDF merging tool online to combine PDF pages and move the pages into the correct order. Enjoying Senior Living Find a Senior Living Facility Near You. Click On Your State To View Listings in Your Area. Find a Community Near You Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More   You should start working on your online presence if you aren't already online. The best way to promote your business online, and add credibility to your business, is with a Website that has a URL that reflects your business name. Your business Website allows you to provide information about your products or services, as well as background about yourself and why people should buy from you rather than your competitors. Contact us for a resource to help you build a professional Website for your business.   Using Social Media According to Lifespan, about 70% of people in the U.S. are on social media. Social media allows you to connect more personally with your customers. Social media platforms can also help you cultivate a following in your target demographic. For instance, older adults use Facebook, whereas younger people tend to be on TikTok. Social network sites like Facebook also allow you to advertise on the platform. If you have a business site, you can target the correct audience through this and other forms of online advertising. Digital marketing allows you to target large groups or individuals who share similar interests through multiple sources.   Find Partnerships With Other Businesses Look for businesses with a similar target audience to yours and create a partnership marketing relationship. Streamline Marketing explains that partnership marketing can boost your sales and benefit the other company too. For instance, you could collaborate with another business, host a charity or raffle, or create co-branded products. Marketing partnerships require you to network and build strategic relationships that could help boost your business. Partnerships could also include partnering with potential marketers. For instance, you could partner with a blogger with a similar demographic. He or she could review your product or service to help you gain more traction with potential clients. Another form of partnership, also known as 'Influencers' are reviews or recommendations for a product or service that come from people, often celebrities, that are considered trustworthy. An example of influencer marketing would be Tom Selleck who has become an icon for reverse mortgages on Television advertisements.   Apply What You Know and Keep Learning Becoming an entrepreneur later in life has a variety of different benefits. You have more age, wisdom, and experience on your side giving you an advantage over your younger competitors and the know-how to succeed in business. You understand the motivation, discipline, and focus it takes to stay on task and be productive. As a new entrepreneur, you may need to learn a few marketing tricks, go back to school to brush up on business concepts, which social media platform to choose, and how to market to your target audience. But you will put the same energy into these pursuits as you have with your previous endeavors and come through as a successful new entrepreneur.   If you need tips and resources to help you age well, be sure to spend some time exploring the different content provided by Enjoying Aging.   A special thank you to Sharon Wagner at seniorfriendly.info for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below.  

  • 0 A Simple Senior Guide to Home-Buying

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    Image via Pexels A Simple Senior Guide to Home-Buying Many seniors find themselves looking to buy a new home in retirement. Whether it's to be closer to grandchildren, to have less upkeep to manage, or to finally move to your dream locale, home-buying as a senior can look different than purchasing a home earlier in life. Use this guide from Enjoying Aging to help navigate senior home-buying challenges and get yourself into the home you desire without difficulty.   1. Determine What You Can Afford For many seniors, homes purchased in retirement are the result of a desire to downsize. This can be a positive for home-buying at this stage as it can mean a smaller mortgage is necessary and therefore easier to obtain. Use a home affordability calculator to help give you an idea of what kind of payment your budget can handle. Simply enter your annual gross income and your monthly debt, choose a down payment you can manage, and pick the term of your loan.   2. Find Appropriate Funding Getting a home loan comes with some unique challenges for seniors. The law prohibits lenders from discriminating against applicants due to age, but they can still take your age into consideration when deciding whether to approve your application. Lenders want to ensure that they will get their money back, so it'll be necessary to provide them with proof that you have good credit and either a high-earning job or enough money in savings or retirement to keep up with future mortgage payments. Additionally, you will probably have to accept a shorter loan term. For seniors, a 15-year fixed-rate loan is likely to be easier to get approved for.     3. Research the Local Housing Market Get an idea of whether the market is favoring sellers or buyers at the moment by using data about recent home purchases. Look up what homes have sold for in the past year as well as what they sold for prior to that to see how the amounts compare and to get an idea of how much you can expect to pay. It can be more expensive if you buy in an area that has a limited number of properties for sale as this favors sellers. If this is the case, you may want to consider putting off purchasing a home or looking in different areas with more robust options.   4. Look for Senior-Friendly Features Aging isn't easy for anyone, but homes have become much more senior-friendly in the last few years. There are many modifications available that you may want to look for when considering potential homes. Railings for stairs or replacing stairs with ramps can be helpful, as can smart home devices that allow seniors to operate things such as their televisions, lighting, and heating systems with voice alone. Bathroom modifications are particularly popular since so many falls occur in bathrooms. These can include safety bars to help to get in and out of the bath an easier process and toilets that are taller to make sitting bathtubs have a doorand standing up easier. Some allow entrance into the bath as though it were a shower to minimize the likelihood of accidents, and built-in benches in showers can make it easier to get clean without worrying about stability.   5. Consider Purchasing a Home Warranty If you're considering whether a home warranty is necessary, having one can provide peace of mind in knowing that if something goes wrong with a home appliance or system, there is someone who can fix it. A home warranty is an annual service contract that covers the repair or replacement of many of the most-used items in a home, such as the air conditioner, refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher. Most home warranties also cover the HVAC system, electrical system, plumbing, and water heater. Senior home buying can feel overwhelming, but with the right tools and planning, it can be a breeze. Research homes and what you can afford, shop for a mortgage, prioritize homes with senior-friendly features, and consider purchasing a home warranty.   6. Consider A Reverse Mortgage For A New Or Existing Home A reverse mortgage can be a valuable option for the right situation. For those who have paid at least fifty percent or more equity into their home, a reverse mortgage can solve many financial worries. In the example of downsizing, when your current home sells you can take part of that money and buy a new house. Then, as long as you pay fifty percent or more down on the new home you can live there with no payments and keep the rest of the money for emergencies. If you decide to stay in your current home and have fifty percent or more equity in your home you can get a reverse mortgage and make no more payments as long as you or your spouse continue to live in the home. There is a lot of misinformation going around about reverse mortgages, and it is not for everyone, but in the right situation, it can make a huge difference in the quality of life for you and your loved ones. To see if a reverse mortgage is right for you, visit Enjoying Aging/Reverse Mortgage for more information.   7. Will You Need The Help Of A Realtor? Regardless of your choices, it is always best to seek the advice of a professional. A realtor can help with selecting a new home, but remember, they only make money if you buy, so their primary motivation is to sell you a home. A mortgage professional can advise you on different mortgage options, but again, they only make money if you take out a loan. A financial advisor can review your situation, help you understand your options, and point you in the right direction. In many cases, they will be able to refer you to a person who can help you with whatever decision you make.   A special thank you to Lydia Chan at alzheimerscaregiver.net for contributing this article.   If you enjoyed this article, or have a topic you would like to suggest for a new article, please leave a comment in the form below. Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computer for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More  

  • 0 Starting a Home-Based Business as a Senior: Strategies for Success

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    Image: Pexels   There are nearly 32 million small businesses in the United States, about half of which are home-based. If you're a senior interested in launching a company, a home-based business is an excellent option. Along with providing flexibility, they don't typically require a lot of capital. Plus, working from home may be ideal for seniors with mobility issues. Considering that 20 percent of seniors have mobility challenges, that's a point you should not overlook. With the right preparation, seniors can launch incredibly successful home-based businesses. If you're thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, here's what you need to know.   Take the Time to Sharpen Your Business Skills While it's tempting to jump right in and launch your company, it's usually best to spend some time sharpening your business skills if you didn't run a business before retirement. That way, you'l have a strong foundation, ensuring you can successfully navigate the steps involved. As a home-based business owner, you'll need to be ready for the financial responsibilities. Expense tracking, paying taxes, and invoicing aren't always easy to manage. Plus, you may need inventory management knowledge, resource planning expertise, and customer relationship management experience to ensure you thrive. If you need to sharpen your business skills, consider enrolling in an online MBA program. You'll expand your knowledge in key areas, including strategy, management, and more. Plus, you'll learn about leadership and self-assessment, ensuring you have everything you need to succeed.   Keep Your Lifestyle in Mind As a senior, there's a good chance you don't want to spend 40+ hours per week focused on your home-based business. Instead, you probably prefer finding the right work-life balance, ensuring you can bring in some income while still enjoying your golden years. If that's the case, you'll want to pick a home-based business that won't take over your entire life. Precisely what that looks like may depend on your skillset and the kind of work you'd like to do. If you're not opposed to spending your working hours at a computer, multiple freelancing options could serve as starting points. For example, you could become a freelance consultant, offering your expertise from your previous career to other businesses. If you'd rather make something and are a bit crafty, you could sell your creations online. If you want to remain active, launching a dog walking service could be a wise move. Take your preferences and interests into account. That way, you can find an option that keeps you engaged, brings in a steady income, and provides you with the flexibility you need to thrive.   Get Ready to Market Your Company Generally speaking, marketing will be an essential part of the equation. What you need to do may depend on the type of business you run. If you're planning on freelancing, you can market yourself on online job platforms. You can set up profiles outlining your services, upload samples to showcase your expertise, and set pricing. Launching a website is a wise move for any business. Couple that with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices and you can generate interest and connect with customers. Similarly, marketing through social media is an effective strategy. Sign up on platforms that work best for your company type. In many cases, Facebook is a solid starting point. Beyond that, you may want to venture into Instagram if your offerings are highly visual, such as custom-made products. YouTube can also be worthwhile if you'd benefit from video marketing. By focusing on those areas first, you can get a solid foundation. Then, as your company grows, you can branch out if needed, ensuring you can secure the customers you need to succeed. If you're a senior not ready to retire full-time, starting a home business could be a terrific opportunity. Use the tips above to achieve your goals and become a successful entrepreneur.   A special thank you to Dan Hall at dadschange.com for contributing this article.   Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computers for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is that you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More

  • 0 Plan for Tomorrow to Enjoy Today: Tips for Seniors

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      Photo via Pixabay   Plan for Tomorrow to Enjoy Today: Tips for Seniors If you're one of the 18 million seniors in the United States who need assistance with daily activities, it's likely you receive this help from friends and family. The vast majority of seniors who receive help reside in a community setting, either an assisted living or skilled nursing facility. But Medicare, although a valuable asset, doesn't even begin to cover the cost of long-term care. Independence For many, the idea of leaving home and submitting to the hands-on care of others isn't an option. If you're one of these people, there are ways to prolong your independence. This starts at home. There are many home improvements— mostly simple remodeling jobs— that can make aging in place a more viable option. For example, adding side-by-side appliances and touchless faucets can make cooking and cleaning the kitchen a possibility if you have arthritis. Additional accessibility modifications include widening doorways, adding easy-to-reach grab bars in the bathtub, ensuring stairways are covered with non-slip material are well-lit, and have rails on both sides. Aside from home modifications, volunteer and paid assistance can prolong your ability to live in your own home. You may need help with daily chores, medication administration, or hygiene. This isn't always enough, however. Assisted living When remaining alone is no longer feasible, assisted living is an option that has many benefits. There are usually assisted living centers located close to most metropolitan areas. These residences provide 24-hour supervision, healthy dining options, and enhanced privacy over having someone living in your home. Beating the costs We mentioned that Medicare was great for seniors, but it does not make provisions for long-term custodial care. Fortunately, there are a few ways to reduce your overall expenses and make assisted living or skilled nursing care more affordable. These include: Research - Don't assume that the lowest cost service provider/assisted-living facility is your best value. Working from home - There are several kinds of work you can do from home. This supplemental income can help offset other expenses. Ask for discounts or move-in incentives - The vast majority of facilities, especially those under a corporate umbrella have fixed rates. However, the centers may be able to waive move-in fees. Smaller, locally operated assisted living programs may be flexible, especially if they are new or have multiple vacancies. Invest in long-term care insurance - Long-term care insurance is a financial product available through many insurance providers. It helps cover the gap between Medicare, private insurance, and assisted living. Room share - Many assisted living facilities provide matching services that allow you to share a two-bedroom unit with another senior. This is often more cost-effective than living in a one-bedroom apartment or condominium on campus. This is not without its pros and cons, however, and is not a decision to be entered into lightly. Selling your home - If you're a homeowner, you can fund your long-term care by selling your house. Make sure you know the value of your home by getting an online home-value estimate. Paying for care In addition to long-term care insurance, AboutAssistedLiving.org notes that life insurance, VA benefits, a reverse mortgage, bridge loan, annuities, and selling real estate property are payment options that should be considered. Once personal assets have been exhausted, Medicaid may kick in to ensure you have a safe place to live out your golden years. The federal government spends more than $553 billion annually on Medicaid programs— more than 20 percent of this goes toward providing long-term care services. It's a cliché, but failing to plan really is the practice of planning to fail. And when it comes to your health and wellness needs, you can never begin planning soon enough. Do your research and know what options are available for your budget and personal needs. Not doing so may leave you scrambling to care for yourself in your hour of need. A special thank you to Dan Hall at dadschange.com for contributing this article. Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computer for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More    

  • 0 Planning Your Next Move: Tips for Seniors

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        Planning Your Next Move: Tips for Seniors There are many good reasons to move in your golden years. Perhaps you want to live in a retirement community that fits your lifestyle or a facility that provides the care you need. Or maybe you simply want to live in a smaller home that's easier to take care of. Whatever the future holds for you, it's important to research all your options carefully and make a stress-free plan for moving. Enjoying Aging shares some tips! Housing Options: What's Out There? As a senior, you have numerous choices for your next home. Senior apartments, assisted living facilities, residential care homes, and continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) are just a few of your options. There's also the option of buying a new single-family house or condo that's more suited to your current lifestyle. For example, many older adults find it works well to buy a home with less square footage. Looking through listings will give you a better idea of what's out there to choose from in your preferred location and price range. Buying a smaller home is a good idea for a variety of reasons. To start, a smaller home usually has a more affordable mortgage, which is great if you're trying to watch your spending. Also, when you look at homes with less square footage, you're more likely to find single-story options. These homes are generally safer to live in because you don't need to deal with stairs or other hazards. Because they're safer and easier to maintain, having a smaller home might mean it's possible to live independently in your home for a longer time. Not only does this let you maintain close connections with your community; but it may also ease any worries you have about viruses and other health hazards in communal living facilities. Selling Your Old Home Deciding what type of home you want next is just part of the process. You'll also need a plan for selling your old place. Before putting your home on the market, it's helpful to speak to your real estate agent about home prices for other properties in the area. Knowing this information will help you price your home competitively. Browsing other home listings can also provide insight into the ways people are staging and presenting their homes these days. Deep cleaning is a must no matter what, but looking at listing photos can also provide ideas for arranging your furniture differently and other ways to showcase your space. Planning Your Move No matter what type of home you move to next, you'll want to spend some time downsizing your possessions to make the process easier on yourself. Decluttering before your move means that you have less stuff to pack up. By getting rid of a few items, you'll also feel less cramped in your new home. Even if you've pared down your items, packing is still a difficult task to do on your own. That's why you might want to hire a professional moving company. The cost of moving depends on factors such as the weight of your items and how far you're moving. However, the day of the week that you move can affect the price as well. Visit sites like Angi to research moving companies and learn about ratings. Finding a new home as a senior can be exciting, overwhelming, or a mix of both. By considering your health needs and lifestyle, it's easier to narrow down your options. Whether you buy a new, smaller home or transition into a senior community, be sure to research the best ways to get a good price for your old home. And when moving day comes along, you'll thank yourself for spending a little extra on a professional moving service. A special thank you to Dan Hall at dadschange.com for contributing this article. Content Marketing Offers the Highest Return On Investment Online, or content marketing and advertising, is currently the second-highest method of promoting businesses following only Television which, for now, remains in the number one position. Experts have predicted that digital ads will surpass TV by 2025 and not look back. For cost-effectiveness, and the ability to directly target your audience, nothing matches the ROI of digital marketing. Learn More Digital Marketing Offers Three Opportunities To Reach Your Audience Studies show that the majority of people will use their phones to search for content that addresses their current needs and then switch to their computer for more in-depth research before making final decisions or purchases. With three different platforms, computers, tablets, and phones, it is important to make sure your audience can follow your content and ads on any device. The upside to this is you have three opportunities to reach them. All of our Websites are developed to work flawlessly on all three platforms. Learn More    

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